Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Some sample questions

As a candidate, you should always expect some compulsory questions. Even if they do not ask explicitly, you should be able to speak about these things during the interview so that you sound an attractive candidate.
Tell me about yourself
This is a question generally asked in the beginning of the interview. This requires lot of thought and planning and you must keep such an answer ready, but should not sound as if you have committed it to memory. Focus should be on what you are as far as the potential job is concerned and do not talk about family and academic background. Your strengths and achievements should come out but in a humble way. do not criticize any one. Start from the past and end with the latest achievement which has a relevance to the job. Try and present what you have done in team situations and your contributions to a team, however small.
Watch this youtube video and other videos by searching in youtube.
Do you consider yourself Successful?
You should always answer yes briefly explain why. You should be able to demonstrate that you have set goals for yourself in the past and that you have achieved them - if not 100%, to some extent and that you have learnt your lessons where things did not go always right. Here is a video on setting goals by Zig Ziglar who is an internationally famous trainer based in the USA. There are two more videos on the sabject by him in youtube. Check them out too.
What do you know about this organization?
This question is one reason to do some research on the organization before the interview. Find out where they have been and where they are going. What are the current issues and who are the major players.
A bad answer which you should avoid is in
All the best - you will keep getting blogs every week on this subject. Try and read and watch the videos, but more important -  PRACTICE, PRACTICE and PRACTICE. Feel free to write commenst so that I know if I am making sense.
K Vijay Kumar


  1. thank you sir for sharing it all.
    examples from your real life experiences binds the reader to the core.
    our semester exams have come to an end, and now we are to prepare for the campus..

    could you help us on how to prepare a good resume, and what should be its essential contents.
    Is it okay to make a tabular resume?

  2. Thanks for the comment. I will post a blog on making of a resume so that you can use it for guidance

  3. Sir, In the ques "tell me about urself"... when we speak about our achievements, can we also quote the examples of participating in any event if we have not got any prize for that ?????????
